We Are Bidgley Power
At Bidgley Power, we motivate, inspire and enable people who are most excluded from society to participate in community volunteering as a way of helping them to develop the skills, confidence and motivation to turn their lives around.

Our Vision
Our vision is of a society where everyone has the opportunity to be an active and contributing member of the community.
Our Mission
Our mission is to enable people to change their lives through active involvement in their community.
Our Beliefs
Our work is underpinned by the belief that:
Everyone has the potential within them to affect positive change for themselves and to contribute positively to society
We believe that everyone deserves a chance to change his or her lives for the better, regardless of his or her background or history. We believe that everyone counts, everyone has something to offer, and no one should be excluded from our society.
Communities are stronger and more resilient when they are inclusive. We support the growth of strong, inclusive communities by helping excluded and marginalised people forge stronger links through positive participation. We will challenge stigma and inequality wherever we see it.
Community engagement and volunteering can be a catalyst for positive and permanent life change​
We know that positive engagement in the community improves social networks, relationships and well-being. We believe that volunteering, in particular, is uniquely placed to help people feel valued as contributing members of the community.​

Our Promise
Empowerment – We believe in everyone’s potential.
We know that people can and do make incredible changes in their lives. We are committed to empowering our clients to make decisions, set goals, take risks and learn from their mistakes. We trust our staff to make the right decisions and empower them to be flexible in their approach and to work in the best interests of our clients.
Inclusion – Everyone counts and everyone has something to offer.
We aim for an inclusive working environment which allows people to be themselves at work, and to speak up and be heard. We do not judge anybody, regardless of what their circumstances might be. We will not give up on people, no matter how complex they are or how chaotic their lives are.
Integrity - How we work is as important as what we do.
We treat everyone with respect – whether they use our services, work for us or work with us. We strive to be open and accountable, acting with honesty and integrity.
Collaboration – We work better together.
We develop strong and meaningful relationships with our clients, other agencies, our funders and the communities we work in. We value the contribution others can make, and we take time to consult and listen to their views. We aim to ensure that our services are accessible to all.
Ambition - We strive to be the best we can be.
We are prepared to challenge ourselves and the way we do things, to ensure we provide the most appropriate support and maximise our impact. We seek continuous feedback and take action to address areas of need. We support our staff and clients to keep learning and to set and achieve ambitious targets.